none of of your bloody business....<--- translation
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what is deegee51?
1:13 AM
SENS OF PRIDE!! worklist
for those who have no idea wtf they are doin on the sens of pride day... here is the worklist... i know i know ... its holiday and u wan to do anything besides sleeping but i guess, for the sake of the graduation campaign... oh yaa on behalf of the graduation committee(eventhough, i am not really in it)would like to THANK YOU...without u all gwen stefanie would be very sad....sob sob...>.<
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what is deegee51?
11:26 AM
movie night!!!!!!!!!!!!
remember tonight is movie night.. and everybody must go because i think this will be the only night we gonna do something together for the last time....haizz, next term sudah mau buat final movie, all sudah busy making their epic animation muahahahahah...so last night together as a class so make it rememberable as possible...sudah more than 2 years we have been together maybe even more even less but anyway.. i dun wan to talk so long.....sOOooOoooOOOOo ENJOY.. oh yaaa dun put on weight so much for next term... kekekeke
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what is deegee51?
11:57 AM
Hitting the panic button!!!
everybody knows that another 1 and half day left till our final developement project presentation...i guess everybody is finish with all their stuff for their presentation. So i wish everybody good luck in their presentation. If those who have not yet finish their stuff for the stuff i guess u better get things moving or else you have to hit the panic button and freak out... anyway, remember friday is ratatouile day, i hope everybody in DG51 can join this movie session for the final thing we will ever do together.. i think.. because everybody properbly will be super busy with their final movie..RIGHT?..anyway good luck in everything and pray if u believe in GOD
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what is deegee51?
1:21 AM